To many people, I have a dream job. It is great fun but also very challenging. I’m convinced that my studies at Jönköping University prepared me in the best possible way.

I studied journalism at the University of Prague. After my bachelor’s I wanted to do my master’s abroad and decided on JU, as I really liked the programme profile. The International Communication programme offered me an opportunity to deepen my communication skills as a compliment to my specialization in journalism. I also found the orientation towards global media cultures and sustainable communication important as it broadened my career opportunities. I think it was an important part of my CV when applying for this job.
I work as a reporter and news anchor at a large commercial TV-channel. I started working here directly after graduation and I have gained a lots of experience. In this job, you do everything yourself. You find the story, and you produce it – from planning to filming and broadcasting. It is hard work and late hours. My studies in Jönköping really prepared me for this. In Swedish higher education you’re expected to be highly motivated and take your own initiative. You must actively search for answers and you have to follow-through. To me, it was a new way to study and it gave me the confidence and tools that I need in my work.
The studies held a high academic level and the programme was truly international. With students from 10 different countries in my class, we had lots of opportunities to discuss differences in cultures and communication patterns in an academic context. This knowledge has been important to me when conducting interviews on the field and in the studio. The future? Some day I would like to do radio, as I love the media, but I can also imagine working as a communication officer within a company or an organisation. I have many opportunities and that is freedom!
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