Our father owns a company in Bulgaria that exports bird food. We discussed the idea of expanding the business across Scandinavia, therefore it was quite natural for us to come here and study. We were accepted to both JIBS and Copenhagen business school, but decided on Jönköping.

Mario and Nikola Sulev from Bulgaria.
We studied International Management here at JIBS for our bachelor’s degrees. As twins we’ve always done most things together, but we did go on exchange separately to gain experience – not only of a foreign culture but also of being apart! We both spent one semester in the US, but at different universities.
Our initial plan was to finish our bachelor’s degrees in Sweden and then go somewhere else for our master’s degrees but the international atmosphere and entrepreneurial focus here at JIBS suit us so we decided to stay here and start our business parallel to our master studies. Our company is called Skavelys and we import birdseed from Hungary and sell on the Swedish market.
The Swedish society is very well organised and the market potential in Sweden is huge.
We see ourselves living in Sweden after graduation and continuing to develop our business here.
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