European Universities Linking Society and Technology
Jönköping University (JU) is a proud partner of the EULiST (European Universities Linking Society and Technology) alliance. The purpose of the alliance is to support long-term collaboration in the areas of education, research, innovation and service to society. Membership in EULiST provides new possibilities for students and staff at JU to connect with peers from across Europe, share best practices and collaborate on a wide variety of education, research and social initiatives.

Who are we?
In EULiST, ten European institutions of higher education are included, representing a geographically diverse group from all corners of Europe.
- Jönköping University (JU), Sweden
- Brno University of Technology
External link, opens in new window. (BUT), Czech Republic
- Institut Mines-Télécom
External link, opens in new window.(IMT), France
- Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology
External link, opens in new window.(LUT), Finland
- Leibniz University Hannover
External link, opens in new window.(LUH), Germany
- National Technical University of Athens
External link, opens in new window.(NTUA), Greece
- Rey Juan Carlos University
External link, opens in new window.(URJC), Spain
- Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
External link, opens in new window.(STU), Slovakia
- University L’Aquila
External link, opens in new window.(UNIVAQ), Italy
- Technical University Wien
External link, opens in new window. (TUW), Austria
While EULiST initiatives are not exclusively limited to activities linking society and technology, this is a central theme that will be evident in many initiatives developed within the network. Society and technology are interdependent concepts. Society is a major driver of technological change while, at the same time, advances in technology impact social development. To prepare for the Europe of tomorrow, EULiST recognises the need to educate individuals who understand both the technical issues we are likely to face and the social context and dimensions for which technological solutions are designed. With this as a basis, EULiST will foster integration and cross-pollination of STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and social sciences in a broad range of activities.
Enhanced cooperation within Erasmus+
EULiST is a recognized European University within the European Commission's Erasmus+ program. The European University Initiative is part of the EU's 'Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training' and aims to promote new forms of deeper cooperation through transnational alliances.
Find out more
Read more about EULiST on EULiST´s webpage External link, opens in new window..
If you would like more information related to Jönköping University’s participation in EULiST or would like to become involved. Please contact Camilla Wahlgren, EULiST Coordinator at JU.