Students to present their degree projects at Xjobbsmässan

On June 3, Xjobbsmässan will take place at Campus Arena. Then the JTH students present their degree projects to, among others, the business community. The picture is from an earlier edition of Xjobbsmässan.
During Xjobbsmässan (the Xjob fair) on 3 June at Campus Arena, the final year students at the School of Engineering (JTH), Jönköping University (JU), will present their degree projects for among others the regional business community. The fair will take place at Campus Arena and the last day to register is 27 May.
The JTH students compete for three scholarships during Xjobbsmässan.
“Xjobbsmässan is an excellent opportunity for companies to find future employees and get new ideas for their business,” says Linda Bergqvist, External Relations Manager at JTH.
40 groups with one or two JTH students in each group will be participating during the fair. In addition to presenting their degree projects and networking with the business community, the students compete for three scholarships in the categories of best performance (SEK 10,000), audience favorite (SEK 5,000) and for best business potential (SEK 5,000).
The first two of the scholarships come from JTH and the third from Science Park. They will be awarded during JTH's graduation ceremony on 3 June. The audience's favorite prize will be voted on by the people who visit Xjobbsmässan’s website.
Xjobbsmässan will take place on 3 June at 10-12 at Campus Arena, Jönköping University.
All companies and organizations that register for the fair are invited to lunch, but the number of places are limited.
Read more about Xjobbsmässan and register here (in Swedish only).