Ulf Larsson Olaison and Kajsa Haag (to the right) from Jönköping International Business School and Hanna Almlöf from Linköping University concluded this autumn's JU LIVE round at the University Library with a lecture on foundations.
Great interest in foundation lecture at JU LIVE
There were many questions and a good response to the JU LIVE lecture on foundations, which took place in the JMW hall at the University Library at Jönköping University on 28 November.
"It was interesting and very informative," says audience member Johan Svedberg, who was a member of the Jönköping University Foundation Governing Board between 2010 and 2015.
This was the last JU LIVE of the year, but the lecture series will return this spring.

Several people stayed after the lecture to talk to Hanna Almlöf (to the left), Kajsa Haag and Ulf Larsson Olaison (not in picture).
One of the main tracks of the lecture was to explain what foundations are and what impact they have on society and business.
"It is exciting to make people aware of the fact that there are many foundations around us that are of great importance, but are still quite unknown. Awareness of foundations is generally low and there are plenty of misunderstandings to clear up. For example, many people think that people create family foundations to set aside money for themselves or their relatives, but it is quite the opposite. It is more the case that you give money to charity," says Kajsa Haag, Associate Professor at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) and moderator and one of the lecturers at the JU LIVE event.
Engaged and curious
Kajsa Haag is also the project manager for a research project at JIBS on the conditions for entrepreneurship in foundation form. The research team includes Ulf Larsson Olaison, Senior Lecturer at JIBS, and Hanna Almlöf, Associate Professor at Linköping University, who joined Kajsa on the stage in the JMW hall. Kajsa Haag was particularly pleased that several members of the audience were engaged in the subject and asked questions both during and after the lecture.
"I hope there was something for everyone, with both basic explanations and more depth in some parts. I think JU LIVE is a great way for us at JU to show the local community what we do in these buildings on campus, why we are relevant and what we can contribute with," says Kajsa Haag.
"Gain deeper insight"
Johan Svedberg found it interesting to hear about different types of foundations and how to distribute votes and ownership in a board. At the same table sat Clemens Svensson and he says that he had contact with foundations in his previous job at a bank. He came to JU LIVE to get a deeper insight into how foundations work and hear about new research in the field.
Kajsa Haag, Hanna Almlöf and Ulf Larsson Olaison told the audience that Carlsberg, Kavli, Vagabond and Jönköping University are all foundation-owned.
The audience members Johan Svedberg and Clemens Svensson (at the table in the centre of the picture) found the lecture informative and rewarding.
JIBS PhD student Victoria Resch (standing in the centre) was invited to the stage to give examples of her research on foundations. Here she stands between Hanna Almlöf (to the left) and Kajsa Haag.
The lecture lasted about an hour and the audience was offered coffee and cake.
Hanna Almlöf, Kajsa Haag and Ulf Larsson Olaison thought that several members of the audience asked insightful questions.
- Associate Professor
Associate Dean of Faculty - Jönköping International Business School
- kajsa.haag@ju.se
- +46 36-10 1835
- Assistant Professor Business Administration
- Jönköping International Business School
- ulf.larsson@ju.se
- +46 36-10 1823
An autumn of interesting JU LIVE lectures
Every semester, four popular science JU LIVE lectures are organized that are linked to research conducted at JU. The idea is that the public, in a pleasant and relaxed way, should be able to take part in some of the important research going on at the university and ask questions directly to the researchers.
At the end of August, the autumn lecture series began with Marco Nilsson, Senior Lecturer in Political Science at the School of Education and Communication at Jönköping University, lecturing on violent radicalization. Among other things, Marco talked about how religion does not have much influence on those who are recruited to jihadists. Read more here.
Malin Jakobsson, Senior Lecturer at the School of Health and Welfare at Jönköping University, gave her lecture "Sleep deprivation in young people: A growing problem" at the end of September. Malin explained that sleep deprivation among young people is increasing and that it has several negative consequences. Read more here.
Next up was Johan Röklander, Laboratory Technician and Lighting Designer at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University. He shared his expertise on the importance of light for humans and the environment. The lecture ended with the insight that creating a good lighting environment is mainly about planning, not technology. It is about using light in a conscious way to support human needs and health. Read more here.
The program for the spring semester 2025 will be out soon. Keep an eye out at ju.se/julive or email us at: julive@ju.se and we will send you the program.