Researcher at JU gets the Levi Award 2016
Anette Karltun, Senior Lecturer at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University, receives this year’s Levi Award for her contributions to education on work environment. She gets the award together with her colleague Martina Berglund from the Institute of Technology at Linköping University.
The Levi Award is granted by the Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers to persons who have made important achievements for the education on work environment and on the connection between health and efficiency. The receivers of the award are people that work at, or has a close cooperation with, one or several of Sweden’s engineering schools.
Anette Karltun receives the award for her deep engagement as a teacher in work environment issues for future engineers. Among other things, she and Martina Berglund has developed and run work environment courses at their respective engineering schools and in collaboration with KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm through the Master's Programme in Ergonomics and HTO (Human-Technology-Organization).
“It is a great honour to be granted this award, but most of all it is very important that work environment issues are put higher up on the agenda within work life. The negative consequences – in terms of work-related illness and increased costs for companies and for the society – resulting from the low prioritization of these questions are becoming more and more apparent,” says Anette Karltun.