Students and companies meet at Karriärum HI WORK
On Wednesday 16 November, it is time for Karriärum HI WORK, the yearly career fair at the School of Engineering. More than 70 companies will be present to network with engineering students and other students that wish to establish contact with the industry.
Karriärum HI WORK is an important meeting place for both students and business. The students get a chance to connect with future employers, find internships and discuss thesis ideas with interesting companies. In the same time, the participating firms may get to know potential employees or find students for shorter projects, summer jobs or extra jobs.
For this year’s fair 74 companies have registered. They represent a wide range of organizations – from smaller local companies such as Convergo and JSC IT-partner to large global companies such as Husqvarna Group, SAAB and Volvo.
“This is a great opportunity for companies and students to find each other and initiate different kinds of collaboration. Through for example internships and projects our students are able to test their knowledge in real life, and the companies have a unique opportunity to get to know potential future workers," says Linda Bergqvist, Business Manager at the School of Engineering.
In connection with the fair, the award Alumnus of the Year will be given to one man and one woman who have earlier studied at the School of Engineering. This year, a record number of nominations have been made and the award committee has had a difficult task selecting the two winners. The prize will be awarded at 3 pm during a concluding after work at Science Park.
Karriärum HI WORK is arranged by the School of Engineering in close cooperation with the school’s student association.