World-class research in Jönköping
A new independent report shows that Jönköping International Business School ranks first in Europe and second worldwide in entrepreneurship research.

The study was published in the Journal of Small Business Management on October 3, and is a bibliometric analysis based on field normalized citations in the field of entrepreneurship. In short, the analysis shows how many times research articles have been cited by other researchers.
The authors of the article specifically mention CeFEO (Center for Family Enterprise and Ownership), which has attracted award winning scholars and large amounts of external funding.
Per Davidsson, Professor of Entrepreneurship at JIBS, is ranked as one of the best researchers in his field in the world.
This shows that JIBS and Jönköping University outrank almost all prestigious European and American universities in terms of entrepreneurship research, and has a huge impact in the international research community.
Another report, recently published by Nordforsk, shows that JIBS is ranked first in Sweden and number four in the Nordic region in the wider research area of Business Studies and Economics.
Further reading:
Journal of Small Business Management External link, opens in new window.