Communications Day JKPG

On Wednesday, the annual and very popular Communications Day JKPG was held at the School of Education and Communication. (HLK)
Already at 8 o'clock, the entrance hall at HLK practitioners who were attending this year's Communications Day JKPG started to arrive. The entrance filled up pretty quickly, as this year about 300 registered for the event. Added to this were the exhibitors and students who are reading Media and Communication Studies (MKV) at HLK. The first hour was a mingle where organizations and companies had the opportunity to make contact with MKV's last year students, who will be taking an eight-week project course in the spring term 2020.
“This day is important, among other things, because it brings together all parts of the communications industry. The participants work at agencies, marketing departments, organizations, the public sector, as journalists and more, and they are rarely able to meet and network otherwise. It is also useful for us students who read MKV – it’s a good opportunity to attend interesting lectures and to know what discussions the Communications profession is currently having, says Victoria Tjäder, student at MKV and project manager for Communication Day JKPG.
After the introduction and breakfast, it was time for the lectures. The participants were spoilt for choice, as they could choose from four different lecture tracks: Measurement and following-up, Identity and brand building, Accessibility and inclusion and Crisis and media.
After two interesting lectures within each track, it was time for lunch. During lunch and between lectures, mingling and networking were evident, which was one of the important purposes of the Communication Day JKPG.
One final lecture within each track took place before it was time for the panel discussions. Participants could choose to listen to The Communicator's challenges with sustainability work or What happens to the brand in a crisis?
When afternoon fika had taken place, it was time for this year's keynote speaker, Emma Frans, to take the stage. Emma is a researcher at the Karolinska Institutet, a doctor of Epidemiology and a science writer for Svenska Dagbladet. She lectured on fake news, opinion bubbles and how we can all create a more accurate picture and perception of the outside world by being source critical and reviewing the media. An important and fun lecture that attracted a lot of laughter.
The networking continued until the evening when Communication Day JKPG 2019 ended with an after-work and some stand-up enterntainment.
"I'm incredibly happy with the day! There are always things that can be improved, but overall I think the day went well. We in the project team have heard many wonderful testimonials about both the lecturer and the event as a whole, and it is fantastic to see so many communicators sharing experiences and knowledge with each other. I am also proud that Communications Day Jkpg 2019 passed the requirements for environmental diploma with bravur , says Victoria Tjäder.
Communication Day JKPG is professional conference where different players in the marketing and communication industry meet, network and learn from each other.
The day was planned and implemented by a project group of six students from MKV. To their aid they had eleven officials, also students at MKV. The project owner is Hannes Ewehag, program manager for MKV.