Funding windfall for Jönköping University's research
Researchers at Jönköping University (JU) have received just over SEK 25 million in grants for several research projects from the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte).

On 29 September, Forte announced the research projects that have been granted funding in the 2021 call. Attached to the list of funded projects are several JU researchers, as both main applicants, and co-applicants. Researchers at the School of Health and Welfare have been awarded just over SEK 13 million for several different projects where they are the main applicants.
“It’s fantastic news and very important that the School of Health and Welfare have been so successful in this announcement from Forte. It shows not only the good quality of our research but also the good collaboration that we have, both with regions, municipalities and other universities and also the relevance that our research has,” says Marie Ernsth Bravell, Dean and Managing Director at the School of Health and Welfare, and one of the researchers that was awarded money.

Research on care for younger people with dementia
Linda Johansson, Associate Professor, and Head of Department for the Institute of Gerontology, at the School of Health and Welfare, will receive just over SEK 5.9 million for her project "How is care organized for younger people with dementia?". The project will examine different types of support, efforts, and the contentment of younger people with dementia, as well as their relatives.
“This is of course great fun for us in the research group because the area is close to our hearts. Many times, people with dementia are seen as a homogeneous group and you fail to remember that their needs and life situations can be very different. In this project, we get the opportunity to study in more detail what support younger people with dementia receive. This is important in the long run, to be able to improve the care given to these people,” says Linda Johansson.
Research project on the variation in meetings
Annika Engström, senior lecturer in work organization at the Department of Logistics and Business Management at the School of Engineering, has been awarded just over SEK 4.9 million for the project "Real meetings - when reality varies".
“It feels great, like a feather in the cap, to have received this money specifically for research on meeting. The amount of time used for meetings in working life is increasing, and the way in which meetings are conducted varies. New research is needed to ensure that meetings are not only effective in relation to the actual tasks we handle, but are also a learning and enjoyable experience. In this project, we will explore both physical and digital meetings via, for example, Teams or Zoom, and also meetings in Virtual Reality (VR),” says Annika Engström.
The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte) has granted almost SEK 750 million for new research in health, welfare and working life. The projects that have received funding will be running between 2021 – 2027.
Read more about the projects on Fortes website via this link (In Swedish) External link, opens in new window..