Alumni of the Year named
On 5 October, Jönköping University (JU) will hand out the Alumni of the Year award during a ceremony. Mats Jackson, Executive Vice President at Jönköping University, will award prizes to the five people who then will be able to call themselves 'Alumnus of the Year 2022'. The winners are revealed below.

JU’s five schools (the School of Health and Welfare, the School of Education and Communication, the School of Engineering, Jönköping International Business School) and Jönköping University Enterprise – gathered nominations for Alumni of the Year during the year. Each school’s management team then agreed on one person from their school, a former student, who will receive the award at the ceremony.
“Our alumni are a true link between ourselves and society, and it is important for us to keep in touch with them. This award is a way to promote, recognise and reward alumni who have made outstanding contributions in their professional role or as an individual. This year's five award winners are particularly good ambassadors for JU,” says Mats Jackson, Executive Vice President at JU.
The winners
School of Health and Welfare - Eva-Karin Hultgren
From Award Rationale:
Her personality, responsible attitude, knowledge and commitment are important and critical factors in the reason why there is such a good collaboration between School of Health and Welfare and Region Jönköping County.
School of Education and Communication – Lovisa Lidåker
From Award Rationale:
In a very committed and entrepreneurial way she makes visible how the educational foundation has created added value that also translates into practical action. From a graduate of the programme, she has advanced to CEO and co-owner of Sweden's oldest Swedish ‘pinstol’ chair factory.
Jönköping International Business School – Charlotte Amnebjer Nordqvist
From Award Rationale:
Charlotte is an ambassador for equality, diversity and inclusion. She has manifested her passion to develop people and organizations through a number of different activities and engagements in her professional journey.
School of Engineering – Lina Horndahl
From Award Rationale:
As one of the first alumna from the Architectural Engineering program at JTH, Lina has been active in the construction industry since 2005 and is now a well-known person in Jönköping. Lina is a fantastic ambassador and spreads a commitment around her that makes it both easy and fun to get involved - a perfect industry representative!
Jönköping University Enterprise - Sueun Jeon
From Award Rationale:
She makes good use of her positive can-do attitude, excellent communication and leadership qualities on regular visits to Campus Gränna where she shares her Swedish student experience, inspiring and encouraging new cohorts of Pathway students.
JU has worked with alumni for a long time as they are important ambassadors for the university. The alumni have a lot of experience, partly from their study time at JU, partly from working life, and in many cases they have good advice to share. This is the second year that JU is awarding the Alumni of the year during a ceremony.
The ceremony

Executive Vice President at JU, Mats Jackson, and a representative from each school, will begin the ceremony by handing out the Alumni of the Year award to the five alumni and will read out the reasons for their nomination. The ceremony is followed by a panel discussion led by Andreas Torén from the Career Center, where the alumni will talk about their experiences from the university, from their professional lives, and give some useful tips for current students.
JU warmly welcomes everyone to the ceremony.
When: 5 October 12:00 – 13:00
Were: Jönköping International Business School in room B1014
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