Xjobbsmässan - "Great to see the students' enthusiasm"

Alexandra Persson has designed an ergonomic armrest for office chairs, which she showed at Xjobbsmässan.
About 340 people visited the fair Xjobbsmässan at Campus Arena, where the graduating students at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University exhibited their thesis work on 1 June.
"It is great to see the enthusiasm that the students show," says Stefan Wärn, Head of Product Portfolio Management at Saab Security and Defense Systems.

Johanna Johnsson (to the left) and Therese Tufvesson (to the right) won the scholarship for best presentation and Molly Monaghan (second from the left) won the scholarship for best business potential. Next to her stands Linda Bergqvist, External Relations Manager at the School of Engineering.
Stefan Wärn was at the fair partly to look at the students' thesis work, partly to showcase Saab as a company and to spread the word that Saab are very interested in collaborating with JTH and its students.
“We have several thesis work here today and it is fun to get insight into the work that they have done, he says.
David Wikström, deputy regional manager at BSV Architects and Engineers, thought it was fun and inspiring to meet the students and see their innovative ideas at the fair.
“We want to be seen in connection with the School of Engineering so that the school's students will notice us. They maintain a high standard and are interesting to us because we want to work locally, close to the client and the contractor,” he says.
"We are proud of this"
Ingrid Wadskog, Managing Director and Dean of JTH, enjoyed the crowd of people and all the ongoing conversations on the student fair floor.
“It's a wonderful feeling in here and it's fun to hear the students' commitment. Xjobbsmässan connects the business world with our students. We are proud of this and it is our way of showing the companies what we do.”
Johanna Johnsson and Therese Tufvesson, who have studied engineering in industrial product development, won the scholarship for best presentation. It was awarded by JTH and the prize sum was SEK 10,000.
“It’s great, but we were a little shocked that we won,” says Johanna Johnsson.
They did their thesis work at Koenigsegg Automotive and showed how, for example, a mechanical engineer does not have access to all the instructions they need. They illustrated this by having the stand visitors build a Lego car where parts of the instructions were missing.
“All engineers love Lego and what we take with us from our degree project is how important it is to save and document information so that others can easily take over your data.”
"Does not feel like going to work"
Both have got jobs at Koenigsegg Automotive, which they describe as a cool company with a good atmosphere and that it does not feel like going to work for them.
They celebrated the award with a subsequent lunch with several entrepreneurs and a glass of bubbly later in the evening.
Jonas Mattsson and Alexandra Persson, who have studied the master's programme, Product Design, did their thesis work at ITAB and Malmstolen respectively. Jonas has developed a checkout system and Alexandra came up with a new design for armrests.
“ITAB has helped me with its expertise in the field and it has become clear to me that you have to put yourself in the user's perspective and use the product you are developing properly yourself. Grocery stores today have different needs when it comes to, for example, self-scanning checkouts, and so flexible solutions are therefore required.”
Alexandra has designing the armrests and showed off a prototype of them at Xjobbsmässan.
"Very involved in my work"
“The company was very involved in my thesis work and my supervisor was with me throughout the process and offered valuable opinions. This made the armrest something that both I and the company are happy with. I have learned a lot about working life and also some about ergonomics regarding office chairs.
At Xjobbsmässan, they wanted to reach out to people and make contacts. They found it exciting to get peoples feedback on their thesis work.