Experience the excitement of JU's research - welcome to JU LIVE
Jönköping University (JU) conducts exciting and socially beneficial research. On four occasions this autumn, starting on 31 August, you can take part in the research. JU LIVE, as the lecture series is called, is held in the university library and is open to all interested parties.
For many years, JU together with Folkuniversitetet has invited the public to open lectures. During the autumn semester, the arrangement has been refined and given the name JU LIVE.
“An important task for Folkuniversitetet is to make current research accessible and understandable to the public, which we call "Science for all". Spreading knowledge to a larger number of people increases the chances of influencing their life situation and this is something that we at Folkuniversitetet attach great importance to," says Viktor Ahlgren, Site Manager/Business Developer at Folkuniversitetet Jönköping.
First lecture on 31 August
The four lecturers are all researchers at JU. First up, on Thursday 31 August at 16:00, is Anders Dybelius, Senior Lecturer in History, specializing in history education at the School of Education and Communication at JU. The title of Dybelius’ lecture is “The fighter plane in the bog” and will be about the fighter plane that crashed in a bog south of Malmbäck. The accident has remained mysterious, what happened on that November day in 1972?

The venue for JU LIVE is the University Library,
“With JU LIVE, we want to show a selection of all the important research that is conducted here at JU. We will be in JU’s beautiful library, and since the lectures are only an hour long, we hope to attract the public, students, and companies,” says Linda Johansson, head of the Institute of Gerontology at the School of Health and Welfare at JU, who is helping to organize JU LIVE.
All JU LIVE sessions will be held in Swedish, and the venue is the University Library, room JMW
Dates and times:
31 August at 16:00
“The fighter plane in the bog” - Anders Dybelius
28 September at 16:00
“When fat is not just fat - now we shine a light on a hidden women's disease” - Johanna Falk
26 October at 16:00
“Production in Sweden - a question of fate?” - Kerstin Johansen
30 November at 16:00
“What is circular economy and who makes Jönköping more circular?” - Thomas Cyron
Read more here and sign up (sign up is for estimating coffee order for the event):