Hone your skills during Jönköping University’s Summer School

JU offers several courses this summer.
Develop your academic and applied knowledge, experience an international environment and learn about Swedish culture through Jönköping University’s Summer School and the course ”Purchasing Logistics with a Global Perspective” at the School of Engineering (JTH). Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) and the School of Health and Welfare at JU also offer summer courses.
Through ”Purchasing Logistics with a Global Perspective” you will gain 10 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), learn about logistics with a global perspective and partake in company visits. You will meet international students from across the globe and also have the option to join in with various social and cultural activities. The course Purchasing logistics with a global perspective is held in English and the application deadline is 15 March for national students and 1 April for international students.
At Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) this summer you can study the course Strategic Human Resource Management to to analyse and develop strategic HR programmes for key functional aspects of the HR, among those as recruitment, reward management, employment relationships and more. Through this course you will gain 7,5 credits and the application deadline is 15 March.
The School of Health and Welfare offers the summer course "Violence in intimate relationships among the elderly" (in Swedish only). Through the course you will gain 4,5 credits and learn in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of the subject and how it can be noticed and responded to. Apply by 15 March.
Read more about JU Summer School and the course ”Purchasing Logistics with a Global Perspective and apply by 1 April here External link, opens in new window.
Read more about all Jönköping Universitys summer courses here External link, opens in new window.