Mian Lodalen gives lecture during Psychiatry Week 2024

Mian Lodalen and Eleonor Fransson during Mian’s lecture in connection with her appointment as honorary doctor.
When homosexuality was to be cured by psychiatry is the title of the lecture that Mian Lodalen, Honorary Doctor at Jönköping University (JU), will give together with Per Bülow, Associate Professor at JU. Welcome to the lecture on Friday 15 November at the School of Health and Welfare at JU in connection with Psychiatry Week 2024. It is also possible to join online.
Psychiatry Week 2024 offers a series of lectures that highlight different aspects of mental illness and psychiatric conditions. The week's programme is open to the public and includes both health professionals and people with personal experience of mental health problems.
Inspiring lecture based on real events
Mian Lodalen, who this year was awarded an honorary doctorate at JU External link, opens in new window., will together with Per Bülow, specialist nurse at the Specialist Psychiatry, Region Jönköping County, and Associate Professor at the School of Health and Welfare at JU, hold a talk entitled “When homosexuality was to be cured by psychiatry” based on a real story. The talk will be moderated by Eleonor Fransson, Acting Dean of the School of Health and Welfare and Associate Professor at JU.
When homosexuality was to be cured by psychiatry – lecture by Mian Lodalen and Per Bülow
Time: Friday 15 November at 12:00-13:00
Location: Kurt Johansson Hall, School of Health and Welfare, Jönköping University
Link if you want to listen digitally External link, opens in new window.
Read more about Psychiatry Week 2024 and see the programme External link, opens in new window.
The lecture will be held in Swedish.