More educational places for Jönköping University
Due to the change in conditions of the Swedish labour market as a result of the coronavirus, more people will want to study in higher education. The Swedish Government has therefore proposed an increase in the number of places within higher education. Jönköping University has been granted more educational places for summer courses and basic year studies

To meet the regional and national need, Jönköping University has shown a great interest for more educational places. The decision that Jönköping University has been granted the opportunity to offer more summer courses, as well as to provide more opportunities to study a basic science year and a basic year in finance, came on 23 April. Jönköping University has also actively shown an interest for more educational places for longer educational programmes. New educational places for studies within all shortage occupations at Bachelor’s and Master’s level will be discussed at the Ministry of Education and Research later this spring.
“With the changed situation, it is very gratifying that our wishes have been fulfilled and that JU already can give notice of more educational places and thereby contribute to further skills development and further education,” says Agneta Marell, President Jönköping University.
The distribution of increased educational places applies to the condition that the Swedish Parliament decides on the revised spring budget in accordance with the Swedish Government's proposal.
In connection with the demand for more educational places, Jönköping University has ensured that the resources required to carry out an extended education assignment of high quality are available.