JU becomes R&D university for the aluminium industry

Swedish Aluminum has developed its collaboration with Jönköping University (JU) making it the industry's national research and development university (R&D) in materials science.
Swedish Aluminum (Svenskt Aluminium) has developed its collaboration with Jönköping University (JU) making it the industry's national research and development university (R&D) in materials science.

"The developed collaboration with Swedish Alumnium puts JU on the Swedish aluminum map,” says Anders Jarfors professor of materials and manufacturing, at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
The developed collaboration with Swedish Alumnium means that JU will provide the aluminum industry with knowledge and solutions in both research and research education. JU will also be the industry’s natural contact for smaller or urgent assignments and issues.
“This puts JU on the Swedish aluminum map, and we will be and a resource for the entire aluminum industry in Sweden,” says Anders Jarfors professor of materials and manufacturing, at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
It was Anders Jarfors who suggested to Swedish Aluminum that JU should become the national R&D university for the aluminum industry. According to Jarfors, it is gratifying that JU has this backing from the industry and emphasizes that all staff working in aluminum research at the School of Engineering (JTH) deserve this success.
Anders Jarfors thinks that JU has become the R&D university for the aluminum industry thanks to the strength of its research activities into casting and development of aluminum, as well as its impact both on a national and international level.
“We were awarded the ‘Great Aluminum Prize’ (Stora Aluminiumpriset) from Swedish Alumnium a year ago. That was a breakthrough for us, and it was very important to be able to continue to work closely with an industry organization.”
According to Swedish Aluminum, the extended collaboration with JU requires active support from the industry by companies daring to outsource parts of the development externally as well as welcoming study visits and students for degree work and more. The main focus of the Swedish aluminum industry lies in the Småland region, so JU is well-placed geographically for collaborations with companies.
“We are a key player for the Swedish industry in this area,” says Anders Jarfors.
Swedish Aluminum has previously collaborated with Swerim Luleå and Halmstad University, as well as cooperating on projects with KTH and Linköping University.
Read more about why Swedish Aluminum has chosen Jönköping University as the aluminum industry's national R&D University (Research and Development) in materials science via this link! External link, opens in new window.
Facts: Swedish Aluminum is a national interest organization whose members are companies for which aluminum is a strategic material. It was founded in 2001.