Spring Celebration on 29 April

Welcome to the annual Spring Celebration at Jönköping University! Friday 29 April at 12.45 p.m. on the stairs to the School of Education and Communication.

Speeches by President Anita Hansbo and Student Union President Gabriel Garancz. The University Badge for Merit will also be handed out during the celebration.

There will be music by Univoices and Per Brahes Musikesteter, music class, year 2 from Per Brahegymnasiet conducted by Mikael Strand.

Also performing are Helene och Erik Lacabanne. Artistic Director is LarsLisa Andersson, HLK.

All welcome!

To mark the occasion Restaurant Arken (HLK) will be serving a special "Spring Plate"  for lunch containing salmon, potatoes and a cold sauce.
