Big investment from Jönköping University to contribute to the future business of the region
The board of Jönköping University has decided to further the investment in Science Park Jönköping until 2020. Up to 30 million will be invested in new and growing companies with strong ties to the university and the Jönköping region, through Jönköping Business Development AB.
Ever since Science Park Jönköping was started, Jönköping University and its students have been a driving force in the innovation of the region. Through Jönköping Business Development AB, which is a part of Science Park, Jönköping University and other private investors make capital available to companies with their roots and networks in the region, and among the students and faculty of Jönköping University.
“The parties in the Science Park network are creating a unique innovation system for the Jönköping Region, with activities in all municipalities. It provides our students and staff with access to enterprise networks as well as support for entrepreneurship and innovation”, says Anita Hansbo, president of Jönköping University. “This in turn leads to growth and new jobs in the region.”
“It has proven difficult to make university-owned holding companies financially viable, but Jönköping Business Development is an exception and has shown good results over the years. The explanation as we see it is in the mixed ownership with private investors with a long investment horizon, and who themselves and through their networks are directly engaged in the development of the portfolio companies”, says Christian Lind, CFO at Jönköping University.
Science Park consists of: Science Park Jönköping AB, Science Park system in Jönköping County and Jönköping Business Development AB.
Science Park is run in collaboration between Jönköping University, Region Jönköping County, all county municipalities, representatives of the county's business life and private investors.