Nominate Alumni of the Year at JU
For the first time, Jönköping University (JU) is jointly giving out the award “Alumni of the Year” to former students. The award ceremony takes place during the same week as the Academic Ceremony in September 2021 and the prize is awarded to alumni who have made outstanding contributions, either in their professional role or as a private individual. Students and staff, as well as external persons, are welcome to suggest alumni for the nomination at each company within JU.
Alumni are important ambassadors for Jönköping University and by instituting the award “Alumni of the Year”, JU can give extra attention to former students, who have made a significant contribution. For example, this may be related to entrepreneuership and innovation, collaboration, community involvement or an important cultural deed. The prize is awarded for the first time in September 2021, but is planned to become a recurring prize.
“This is yet another way for us to show future and current students as well as others that we care about our alumni and are grateful for their contributions. We think that this is a good way of showing that we are proud of the difference that our students make and give attention to some of those that have excelled a little extra after they have left JU, says Mats Jackson, Executive Vice President at JU.
Read more about the initiative, the criteria for the nomination and the appointment procedure for the “Alumni of the Year” via this link:
The nomination has opened! Via this link you can nominate a person that you think should be one of the Alumni of the Year 2021, no later than 20 August.