In our digitized lives, technology's role is crucial, yet websites globally remain inaccessible, hindering individuals with disabilities from using the web. This issue stems from a lack of awareness among web developers and designers about how to implement accessibility measures.

Around 16% of people worldwide live with disabilities, and despite existing laws promoting inclusivity, many websites remain inaccessible. By 2025, new accessibility requirements will be enacted, covering a broader range of products and services, making the need for accessible websites more urgent than ever. Our study closely examined web accessibility education in Swedish web development and interface design programs. We aimed to determine whether insufficient education on web accessibility could be a contributing factor behind the countless inaccessible websites globally.

We examined 23 programs and surveyed final-year students to assess their knowledge of accessibility guidelines and laws. Our study revealed that while 18 out of 23 programs include some web accessibility content, the depth of this content varies significantly. Only 9% of all courses within these programs have implemented web accessibility learning objectives, and these are primarily part of broader courses rather than standalone subjects. The survey revealed a notable knowledge gap: 30.2% of students reported being unaware of accessibility guidelines and laws. However, students enrolled in programs that incorporate accessibility learning objectives were more knowledgeable about the topic, underscoring the critical role that education plays in understanding web accessibility.

Our study highlights the urgent need to enhance web accessibility education in academic programs. By integrating comprehensive accessibility objectives, schools can better prepare future professionals, reduce the number of inaccessible websites, and create a more inclusive digital world. We hope this encourages academic programs to reassess and enrich their curricula, benefiting both the industry and society.